Call for Demos

The demonstration track at ISCRAM 2016 aims at providing an opportunity to participants from academia and industry to present their latest applications and systems to researchers and practitioners in the field.

Submissions will be evaluated based on their originality, maturity and applicability. Additionally, the committee will particularly consider system usability, usefulness, robustness and scaling abilities. Interactivity of the demos will be considered a further asset.

Demonstrations may target:

  • virtual systems, such as software applications;
  • physical systems, such as robots or sensor networks;
  • cyber-physical systems, combining the above;

where physical systems might be presented either with real equipment, by simulation, or hybrid demos using both simulations and real platforms.

This call is open to the full range of conference topics, in accordance with the diversity of the featured tracks.

Deadline: 29 January 2016

Demonstration submissions must include:

  • a short paper (2 pages, conference format) describing the system and its capabilities and 1-2 typical usage scenarios of the tool; if accepted, papers will be published in the official proceedings. We particularly solicit authors to highlight the utility and general applicability of their contributions, whether for the short, medium or long term.
  • a URL of a website providing a self-explanatory video showing the system at work (5 minutes maximum).

Electronic submission: Available here.

At the conference, software applications will be presented on computers. For cyber-physical systems, if possible, authors are invited to bring their equipment (smart devices, sensors, actuators, robots, etc.). Software simulations or video recordings can be accepted as an alternative. Additionally, authors must bring a poster summarizing their system and demo.

Submitted demos will undergo a selection process based to equal parts on the quality of the short paper (novelty and impact, technical soundness and presentation) and the online demo system (design, degree of innovation, technical solution, applicability, clarity of the contribution and potential of reuse).

At least one author of accepted demos is required to register to the conference and to do an on-site presentation and demonstration of the contributions to the evaluation committee, as well as the other conference attendees.

The evaluation committee, consisting of the Demo Program Committee members attending the conference, will award a certificate for the best demo in each system category, with cyber-physical systems classifying for both.

For More Information

Please contact the chairs for any questions regarding the Demonstration session.

Demonstration Co-chairs

  • José H. Canós, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain (
  • Sergio F. Ochoa, University of Chile, Chile (