Call for Demos

The demonstration track at ISCRAM 2016 aims at providing an opportunity to participants from academia and industry to present their latest applications and systems to researchers and practitioners in the field.

Submissions will be evaluated based on their originality, maturity and applicability. Additionally, the committee will particularly consider system usability, usefulness, robustness and scaling abilities. Interactivity of the demos will be considered a further asset.

Demonstrations may target:

  • virtual systems, such as software applications;
  • physical systems, such as robots or sensor networks;
  • cyber-physical systems, combining the above;

where physical systems might be presented either with real equipment, by simulation, or hybrid demos using both simulations and real platforms.

This call is open to the full range of conference topics, in accordance with the diversity of the featured tracks.

For More Information

Please contact the chairs for any questions regarding the Demonstration session.

Demonstration Co-chairs

  • José H. Canós, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain (
  • Sergio F. Ochoa, University of Chile, Chile (